Our Vision Statement
Our vision is to be an organization that successfully makes life, regardless of religion, culture, age, race, gender, disability, and sexuality better for those who have lost hope by building a new or restoring hope to those in life considered our most vulnerable populations within the communities and eliminating faced violence, oppression, discrimination and other barriers to living a life independently with the dignity and happiness each of us deserve.
Our Mission Statement.
To support and broaden the options available to those in life considered our most vulnerable populations within the communities we serve. We will offer a new and restore hope to individuals, families and communities through an array of education, supports, and services that promote wellbeing, self-sustainability, resiliency and the preservation of family with respect for religion, culture, age, race, gender, disability and sexuality.
Our Board of Directors is comprised of individuals with expertise and passion working with and helping individuals and families in the local communities we serve. Our Board come from areas advocacy, education, and business management. The Board meets monthly. It is responsible for taking care of the strategic and financial health of the organization on an ongoing basis. Board terms are two years for members and officers are elected annually.
Private Practice Clinician, Karl Roman, LLC
Role: President/Chairman
Term: 06/2022 to 05/2024
Mr. Karl Roman founded Bring Hope to help individuals and family's experiencing difficult times, an opportunity to not only work through them but to make them the foundation for a new beginning.